Bring Smiles to Seniors, Inc.
Senior Care Services - Bring Smiles to Seniors
At Bring Smiles to Seniors, we believe in the importance of Senior Care. Our Senior Care services are designed to let seniors know that they are loved and to bring a smile to their face by providing them greeting cards that are made and decorated by schools, civic groups, companies, and individuals across the country and beyond.
Our cards are delivered to seniors in all fifty states in several ways:
Cards are sent with he card tucked under the flap of the envelope rather than inside.
Cards are sent in bulk to senior communities and then distributed by Activities Directors in the senior communities
Cards are delivered to senior communities by individuals living in a community's geographical area
Cards are sent in bulk to elderly nutrition (Meals on Wheels) programs to be placed with the seniors meals
Cards are sent directly to seniors homes (with permission of the resident or family member) by the members of our private group.
Note: Bring Smiles to Seniors card deliveries are provided at no charge to Senior Care communities and programs. In addition to our community deliveries, we also maintain a list of home delivery residents to whom we send cards on a regular basis. If you are interested in having a senior added to our card rotation mailings please email us at renee@bringsmilestoseniors.com. If you are interested in adding a Senior Care community to our Senior Care delivery rotation please email info@bringsmilestoseniors.com.